Here you can find a short list of the most common errors
Failed connection to the store | Find out that the store is not in maintenance mode. The URL of your store must be publicly accessible from the Internet. Glotio cannot connect to servers located on private networks such as http://localhost. I can’t register my account |
Failed connection to your shop | Check this item and contact us |
You reinstalled your CMS | How to get the APIKEY and other debugging information from the Glotio module |
Something in your language has changed, for example, the default language | Please check this item and contact us |
URL changed | Please check this item and contact us |
The local site, connection error | Check the URL setting and how to set it
PrestaShop: |
You have a firewall or other security system that blocks Glotio’s requests (like Cloudflare). | You have to configure it to accept our requests. If Glotio is not in your whitelist: you can put it by any url that contains “glotio” |
Untranslated texts | Check it in the advanced setting that the fields if you have chosen the fields. Check if the text was not already entered before the translation. |
Mistranslated texts | Use the tools Find and Replace, Smart Dictionary and Excluded Words |
Language not supported | Check How many languages does Glotio translate? If you want a specific language, contact us. |
The translation process has finished without errors but the translations are not displayed correctly | First, check the content with the browser cache. In case it still doesn’t work, try a browser cache reset with Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+SHIFT+r. You can also check if the translations are uploaded directly to the back office panel. |
I am having trouble viewing the translated text online. | Activate the languages you have translated in your back office and install a Language Selector module (not included in Glotio) so that the users can see the shop in their language. Glotio does not take care of any language settings. |
The system has stopped translating | Check the character balance you still have available under your plan and launch a manual update. |
Glotio detects a lot of text to update | Check if you have modules that automatically update products/catalogues etc. Check if you changed the product/catalogue IDs etc. and contact us. |
Payment errors | Check with your bank first that the card is valid and you have added the required security code. Try using another card. If the error persists, please contact us. |
Glotio is not updating my texts | Review How does Glotio update? and I have translated/updated a language and untranslated text appears |
I’m not able to log in | Check if the password and username are correct. in case you can recover the password. If you still have problems contact us |
I didn’t receive the validation link | Please check your Spam Box. If it’s not even there, click on the “Send again link and change the email address. If you have a problem contact us |
My email address/ URL address already exists | Glotio registers any registered email, it’s not possible to use the same email or URL for more than one account. APIKEY field is already registered |
I have a multi-store, and I cannot sign up | If you have configured the multistore, it’s impossible to use Glotio. Glotio doesn’t support this kind of shop. |