Find out why Glotio has not translated a text
The translated language must be active. Remember to install a language selector to make it visible online.
The reasons why Glotio has not translated an element can be:
You have just added the text after the translation | This text will be translated when an update is released |
The text belongs to some not supported modules | Find out in your advanced settings if the modules are marked as translatable. If they are supported but unchecked it is enough to activate them to be translated. |
In case you have already updated, the text you have added already has a translation present in your shop | Then, in this case, Glotio does not translate because it recognizes that there is a manual translation from the client. |
You exceeded your character balance | Check the balance on your dashboard. Check the plans and their features. |
The fields were unchecked in the advanced settings before translation. | Simply check them so that Glotio will translate them during the next update. |
You have tools that update products automatically BEWARE! |
If you have an ERP system that updates the catalogue every day in your source language, Glotio will translate the same text again. If this is your case, please contact us. |
The URLs are not configured correctly |
There is no clean HTML code in your text | It would be best if you cleaned up the text, it usually happens because you copy and paste it from a Word document. There are a lot of tools online that help you clean up this text like After doing that, please launch a manual update so Glotio can translate that text. *This problem happens when the HTML code is too large. Normally Glotio fixes the problem by cutting the HTML texts into different parts and then translating them one by one. In your case, that text is too large and cannot be done properly. |
Carefully review this article that explains how Glotio updates your texts.
In case the reason is not included in these options, please send us examples of non-translated text, with a link to the product and its ID.